A Rally in Moscow on 14 December

One more rally where I was present not as a participant, but as a researcher with questionnaires and a photo camera 😉  Like the previous one (30 November), it was not, strictly speaking, a meeting of doctors, a wide range of social problems in Moscow was discussed there, including medicine, education, housing etc.  Unlike the previous one, there were much more police; I can’t imagine what they were so afraid of.  And on the contrary, there were much less participants.  I also had an impression that this rally was even more mixed and polarized than the previous one: from Putin’s supporters to Stalinists, from LGBT to religious conservatives, from the Iabloko [‘Apple’] party to those persons who were crying to their speakers ‘Stop advertising Iabloko!’, plus several nationalists and one or two persons with ribbons of Saint George and with stripes in the form of the flag of ‘Novorossiia’ (pro-Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine).  At the same time the meeting as a whole looked more leftist than the previous one; the Iabloko party seemed to be the only liberal organization that took part in it.  The main claim of the participants was to stop both the reforms of Moscow education and healthcare systems until a wide public discussion of these questions takes place.  An idea to organize a referendum was also discussed.