Klingle Road—a ruined street in Washington, D.C.

Klingle Road is a small street in Washington, D.C., just near Macomb Street where I lived in 2012–13.  By now, it has been already repaired and transformed into a walking root, but eight years ago it was out of use and even closed to motor traffic.  The cause was that the main part of the road lies in a ravine, so that it used to be flooded by water and mud from the slopes after every heavy rain.  At the same time there are no houses at Klingle Road itself, all the nearest buildings look to other streets.  If I hadn’t been shown this street at the beginning of my stay in Washington, I would probably haven’t even noticed it at all.  The street is not too long, surrounded by nice and comfortable residential areas.  Its eastern end leads to Washington Zoo.  To see such a ‘secret’ small area of desolation at the heart of a big city was especially surprising.

Klingle Road
On 26 January 2013 I finally managed to take a photo of snow in Washington.  The previous days, it fell in the morning and melted away while I was having breakfast 😉

Klingle Road
A stream is just crossing the road.
Klingle Road
There are side-walks, but there are no houses at Klingle Road itself, in former times it was used almost exclusively as a motor road (and there had been a cart road here in even older times).  Stop-water sewers (bottom right) could not save the street from periodical flooding.

Klingle Road

Klingle Road

Klingle Road

Klingle Road

Klingle Road
The same stream, but in warm season.
Klingle Road
View from above, from Connecticut Avenue (the bridge in the first picture).
Klingle Road
The same place in November.