Goodbye, Kubinka?

The Tank Museum in Kubinka, Moscow Oblast, doesn’t exist any more.  Officially it’s called now ‘museum space no. 2 of the Patriot Park’, and almost all the most interesting exhibits have been transferred somewhere to the central part of the park itself (kilometres away), including almost entire collection of German World War II tanks and self-propelled guns (although several exhibits still remain on their places, the collection is therefore divided into parts), almost all the Soviet Second World War tanks, at least part of Western World War II tanks and even the English tank of the First World War.  What still remains are mostly the Soviet Cold War tanks, self-propelled guns and armoured personnel carriers, including a lot of experimental ones, and also a collection of English and American Cold War tanks.  It’s interesting, too, but mostly for area specialists.

They have just plundered the museum.  Someone may think it’s patriotism, but for me it seems much more like the Nazy invasion.  Kubinka used to be the biggest, and probably the best, tank museum in the world.  Now I have to write about it in the past tense…