Geography of the South and East of Middle-Earth

Godkin D. (Arthoron), Mints M. (Amdir), ‘Geografiia Iuga i Vostoka Sredizem’ia’, Palantir, no. 74 (2017): 21–33.

The article (in Russian) is a revised version of a report Arthoron and I made at the Minor Tolkien Seminar in Saint-Petersburg in 2016.  We tried, using the small pieces of information from numerous sources, to reconstruct the map of the world of Middle-earth as a whole, to represent the Westlands on it in proper place and scale, as well as (as far as possible) other geographical objects ‘outside the map’ of the Westlands ever mentioned in original texts and maps by J. R. R. Tolkien.

Text of the article (PDF, 2.5 Mb)

Archive of the journal (at the website of the Tolkien Society of Saint-Petersburg)