The collection of reviews and abstracts ‘The First World War: Contemporary Historiography’ has been published

Our collection of reviews and abstracts Pervaia mirovaia voina: Sovremennaia istoriografiia (The First World War: Contemporary Historiography) was published this summer (in Russian only).  I was one of the editors (the chief editor was Valerii P. Liubin).




Review article: Valerii P. Liubin, Western Historians about World War I

Review article: Mikhail M. Mints, Germany in World War I: Contemporary German Historiography

Joint abstract: Urkatastrophe: Anniversary of World War I as a Reason for Rethinking the History of the Twentieth Century

Joint abstract: The Work by Fritz Fischer and the European Historiography

Abstract: V. V. Mironov, Avstro-vengerskaia armiia v Pervoi mirovoi voine: razrushenie oplota Gabsburgskoi monarkhii  (Tambov: Izdatel’skii dom Tambovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni G. R. Derzhavina, 2011) [Austro-Hungarian army in the First World War: destruction of the stronghold of Habsburg Monarchy].

Joint abstract: 1914—2014: The Anniversary of World War I in History: A View from France

Abstract: Christopher M. Clark, Die Schlafwandler: wie Europa in den Ersten Weltkrieg zog (Bonn: Bpb, 2013) [The sleepwalkers: how Europe went to war in 1914].

Abstract: H. Jones, ‘As the Centenary Approaches: The Regeneration of First World War Historiography’, in The Historical Journal 56 (Cambridge, 2013), 857-878.

Review article: Marco Pluviano, Contemporary Italian Historiography and the First World War

Abstract: Emilio Gentile, Due colpi di pistola, dieci milioni di morti, la fine di un mondo: Storia illustrata della Grande Guerra (Roma; Bari: Gius. Laterza & Figli Spa, 2014) [Two shots from a pistol, tens of millions of killed, an end of the world: An illustrated history of the Great War].

Abstract: Celia Malone Kingsbury, For Home and Country: World War I Propaganda on the Home Front (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2010).

Joint abstract: The First World War in Russian and Foreign Historians’ Interpretation

Joint abstract: The Images of the First World War in the Thought of Its Participants and Our Contemporaries

Review article: Sergei V. Bespalov, Socio-Economic Development of Imperial Russia in the Years of the First World War

Abstract: A. Heywood, ‘Spark of Revolution? Railway Disorganization, Freight Traffic and Tsarist Russia’s War Effort, July 1914—March 1917’, in Europe-Asia Studies 65, no. 4 (2013): 753—772.

Abstract: Andrzej Chwalba, Samobójstwo Europy: Wielka wojna 1914–1918 (Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 2014) [Suicide of Europe: The Great War, 1914–1918].

Abstract: V. A. Pyl’kin, Voennoplennye Avstro-Vengrii, Germanii i Osmanskoi imperii na Riazanskoi zemle v gody mirovoi voiny i revoliutsii  (Moscow: Goriachaia liniia—Telekom, 2013) [Prisoners of war from Austria-Hungary, Germany and Ottoman Empire in Riazan’ land in the years of the world war and revolution].

Review Article: Liubov’ Zhvanko, The First World War and the Refugees on the Eastern Front: New Research (Late 20th—Early 21st Century)

Abstract: Liubov’ Zhvanko, Бiженцi першої свiтової вiйни: український вимiр (1914–1918 рр.) (Харкiв: Вiровець А.П. «Апостроф», 2012) [The refugees of the First World War: Ukrainian reality (1914–1918)].

Abstract: Peter Englund, Stridens skönhet och sorg: Första världskriget i 212 korta kapitel (Stockholm: Bokförlaget Atlantis AB, 2008) [The First World War in 212 Episodes].


March of Peace, 21 September

Our opponents were rather active this time.  No comments, only some translations:

‘Stop the Ukrainian Nazi army that is killing the civil population of Donbass!’


‘Shame on helpers of Kiev junta! Russia is bringing peace to the people of Ukraine.’
‘Democracy is the primary source of corruption.’

‘The USA and Great Britain are sponsors of world wars and genocide all over the world.’
‘We wish there were an oprichnina for you! Blood of killed Donbass inhabitants lies on you, traitors, as well! People demand repressions!’

You can also see the flag that looks like the Ribbon of Saint George which used to be widely associated with the commemoration of World War II, but now became a symbol of radical Russian nationalists.

Our demonstration was also crowded:

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